Beth Fekadu
GitHub | Blog |
Tea Rater
An application designed to browse different kinds of Smith Tea (a Shopify store) and share reviews with other users
- Developed a React application with a RESTful backend server using Ruby on Rails, enabling user signup and login
- Incorporated persistent data storage with full CRUD of users’ tea reviews and tea ratings
- Utilized MapBox to show an interactive map of origins of each tea saved in the database
- Utilized postgresql and Heroku to deploy the application
Fur Baby Sitters Club
An application designed to book a pet-sitting session with a specific pet-sitter
- Developed a RESTful backend server using Ruby on Rails enabling user signup, login, and appointment booking
- Designed a React app with a separate admin login view that shows all customers and their booked appointments
- Utilized React Big Calendar to show availability of pet-sitters and book a pet-sitting appointment
- Utilized postgresql and Heroku to deploy the application
Event Website
GitHub: Front End | GitHub: Back End
A guest view of an event website
- Designed a React application to allow guests to view details of an event, RSVP, and share pictures from the party
- Utilized a Ruby backend with Sinatra and ActiveRecord to store event pictures and RSVP data
Recipe Box
An application used to show and keep a list of recipes
- Designed a React app with SemanticUI and JSON server to allow users to store their favorite recipes in one place
- Allowed users to search for and to add specific recipes to “My Recipe List” to help with meal planning for the week